Cabinet Clears ₹5000-Crore Infrastructure Projects; Approves Higher Minimum Price for Dried Coconut

Cabinet Clears ₹5000-Crore Infrastructure Projects; Approves Higher Minimum Price for Dried Coconut

The Union government has recently given its approval for two significant infrastructure projects in Bihar and Tripura, with a total cost of approximately ₹5,000 crore. Additionally, it has also sanctioned a higher minimum support price (MSP) for copra, which is dried coconut, for the upcoming 2024 season.

Infrastructure Projects in Bihar and Tripura

The Cabinet has greenlit two infrastructure projects that will contribute to the development and growth of Bihar and Tripura. These projects aim to enhance the connectivity, transportation, and overall infrastructure of the respective states.

In Bihar, the approved project focuses on the construction of a new road network that will connect various cities and towns, facilitating smoother transportation and reducing travel time. This initiative will not only enhance connectivity within the state but also improve connectivity with neighbouring states, boosting trade and commerce in the region.

Similarly, in Tripura, the infrastructure project aims to strengthen the state’s power transmission and distribution network. This will lead to a more reliable and efficient electricity supply, benefiting both residential and industrial consumers. The project will also contribute to the overall development of the state’s power sector and attract investments in various industries.

Both of these infrastructure projects are expected to have a positive impact on the economic growth and development of Bihar and Tripura, creating new employment opportunities and improving the overall quality of life for the residents.

Higher Minimum Support Price for Copra

The Union Cabinet has also approved a higher minimum support price (MSP) for copra, which is the dried kernel of the coconut. The MSP is the price at which the government purchases crops from farmers to ensure they receive a fair and remunerative price for their produce.

This decision to increase the MSP for copra will provide relief to coconut farmers across the country, especially in states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh, where coconut cultivation is prominent. The higher MSP will help stabilize the income of coconut farmers and encourage them to continue their cultivation practices.

By raising the minimum support price, the government aims to address the challenges faced by coconut farmers, such as fluctuating market prices and rising input costs. It will also incentivize farmers to invest in the cultivation of coconuts and ensure the availability of a vital agricultural commodity on the market.

The increased minimum support price for copra will not only benefit farmers directly but also have a positive ripple effect on the coconut-based industries, such as oil extraction, food processing, and handicrafts. This move will contribute to the overall growth and sustainability of the coconut sector in the country.


The approval of the two infrastructure projects in Bihar and Tripura, along with the higher minimum support price for copra, demonstrates the government’s commitment to boosting economic development and improving the livelihoods of farmers. These initiatives will contribute to the overall growth and progress of the respective states and the agricultural sector as a whole.

By investing in infrastructure and ensuring fair prices for agricultural produce, the government aims to create a conducive environment for sustainable growth and development. These measures will not only benefit the targeted regions and sectors but also contribute to the overall progress and prosperity of the nation.

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